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Early cancellation fee
Pricing Details
Early cancellation fee
Texas electricity pricing includes charges from Reliant and delivery charges from your TDSP/utility (CenterPoint Energy). The combined charges below divided by your total monthly usage equals your average price per kWh.
1 The total amounts assessed by a Transmission Distribution Service Provider (TDSP) for the delivery of electricity to a customer over poles, wires and other TDSP facilities, not including discretionary charges.
Understanding your business's electricity bill
Understanding your business's electricity bill
At Reliant, we're here to make managing and understanding electricity easy for your business. Check out our detailed bill feature descriptions below.
Account number: You'll need your account number when you contact us or when you make a payment, including by check
Invoice number: Your invoice number is a unique identifier assigned to each bill
Service address: This is the address where we provide your electricity, which may differ from your billing address
Your Electric Service Identifier (ESI ID) is a unique number assigned by your Transmission and Distribution Service Provider (TDSP) to each distinct meter location. (Think of it like an IP address for your meter and other infrastructure.) The first 5-10 positions of the number denote the TDSP that services and reads the meter location.
If you need any assistance, we're available from Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CT via phone and live chat. Visit reliant.com/businesscontact to contact us and check out our easy payment options.
Get a snapshot of important bill information like your payment due date and the amount due. If you make a late payment, the "after due date" amount is what you will owe.
Previous amount due: The amount due from your previous bill
Payment: The most recent payment we've received, and the date that payment was processed
Balance forward: The difference between the previous amount due and your payment. This balance is due right away (not when your current bill is due). If you paid this amount after the invoice was generated, it will still appear on your next invoice.
Current charges: This is your amount due on this billing cycle
This is an overview of your electricity consumption in recent months. Billing days vary between billing periods as the TDSP dictates meter read cycles. Meter readings are completed on business days.
You can compare usage, check average monthly stats, and see how the average temperatures may have impacted usage.
If paying by mail, tear off this section and return it with your check or money order for the amount due. Please be sure to include your Reliant electricity account number on your check or money order.
Prefer to skip the stamps and lines? You can make a payment by phone at 713-207-PAID. For even greater convenience, set up AutoPay with a bank account or credit card by calling 1-866-660-4900.
In the event of a power outage at your service address, call your TDSP at the number listed on your bill. They maintain the lines and wires that deliver your power and can assist you.
Electric usage detail: This section includes your meter number, electricity consumption, and demand, if applicable, for the meter read or billing cycle. Your TDSP calculates your kilowatt-hour (kWh) usage by subtracting the previous meter read from the current meter read and, if applicable, multiplying it by the kWh multiplier.
kWh Multiplier: This is used to calculate actual usage for meters. Some common multipliers are 1, 20, 40, 80, 96, 100, etc.
kWh Usage: Your monthly electricity used, measured in kilowatt-hours
kW: Kilowatt, the standard unit for measuring electricity demand, equal to 1,000 watts
kWh: Kilowatt-hour, the standard unit for measuring electricity energy consumption, equal to 1,000 watt-hours
Base charge: A charge assessed during each billing cycle without regard to your demand or energy consumption
Energy charge: A charge based on the electric energy (kWh) consumed times the price you pay per kWh
TDSP delivery charges: The total amounts assessed by a TDSP for the delivery of electricity to a customer over poles and wires and other TDSP facilities, not including discretionary charges. Delivery charges are recurring monthly charges provided by the TDSP to cover expenses for local wires, transformers, substations, meter reads and service, including delivery of electricity to end-use consumers. These charges are set by the Public Utility Commission of Texas and are charged to every customer, regardless of provider.
(Miscellaneous) gross receipts tax reimbursement: A fee assessed to recover the miscellaneous gross receipts tax imposed on retail electric providers operating in an incorporated city or town having a population of more than 1,000
Sales tax: This is sales tax collected by authorized taxing authorities, such as the state, cities and special purpose districts